Adult Classes

Bible Fellowship Classes (Sundays)

Bible Fellowship Classes are a great way to connect with other adults in the study of God's Word. Classes for adults are offered at 8:15AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM.

Sunday, 8:15AM
  • Agape Class - Adults of all ages, primarily adults over 55 (Choir Rm.)
  • Ladies Only Bible Study - Woman of all Ages (Rm. 204)
Sunday, 9:30AM
  • Open Door Class - Adults of all ages (Rm 210)
  • Adult Bible study - Adults of all ages (Choir Rm.)
Sunday, 11:00AM
  • Adult Bible Study - Adults of all ages (Choir Rm.)
  • Phileo - Young Adults Bible Study - Adults 18-25 (Chapel)

Wednesday Electives

2025 Spring Electives:  January 8 - May 14 (18 weeks)

10:00 a.m.
The Sermon on the Mount (Fellowship Hall) - Adam Robbins

6:00 p.m.
ASL Sign Language for Beginners - 1 (Rm. 202) - Debbie Klahn
ASL Sign Language for Continuers - 2 (Rm. 210) - Debbie Klahn

6:30 p.m.
Grief Share (Room 204) - Sandy Chesser

7:00 p.m.
Adult Choir (Choir Room) - Tony Cason
The Sermon on the Mount (Fellowship Hall) - Adam Robbins
Phileo - Young Adults (Gym)  - Cesar Silva
1 & 2 Thessalonians  (Rm. 210) - Tom Martinez
"No Other Gods" Ladies' Bible Study (Chapel) - Beth Hercules & Jessica Moore

Activities for children and teens are also offered on Wednesday evenings. See STUDENT and CHILDREN pages for descriptions of our Wednesday night programs.