
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At Kissimmee Christian Church we value supporting missions directly connected to the Churches of Christ and Christian Churches who are founded in the Restoration Movement.  In 2013 the church at Kissimmee gave over $171,000 in missions giving.  Over the last 38 years of giving to missions, the church has given over 4 million dollars to missionary work.  We support 18 different different missionaries financially, we send teams on mission trips.  Many of the missions we support at "Timothy's" who were part of our church and decided to become full time missionaries.

A percentage of our mission’s dollars is allocated in three specific areas of ministry.  

A timothy is someone who is directly sent from this church and who are directly connected to this church family. (Named after Timothy in the Bible, directly sent by the apostle Paul). We are blessed to have Timothy’s in South Sudan, Japan, and a team preparing to minister in Jordan.  

Church Planting
A second percentage goes to missions who are directly involved in church planting, baptisms and discipleship making and local church leadership training.

Para-Church Ministries
The third category goes to missions that may not directly fit the previous categories mentioned but operate effectively as a New Testament Ministry such as our church camp and local Bible College.

Each year Kissimmee Christian Church has a Missions Emphasis Month. In February we challenge the church body to designate monies each week for world and domestic missions giving.  
Our Missions Team meets by-monthly to review procedures and review missions reports and questionnaires that are sent out to be filled out by different mission groups we support.

We are very involved in helping to build and plant churches. From our church planting partnership in Poland to our yearly trips to Haiti and Mexico to work with the churches and build others, we are personally involved with.
Every year we partner with faculty from Johnson University of Florida and members of our church to work with Mauricio Mission work in Mexico.

We also raise money every other year to build a church facility in Haiti working in conjunction with Haitian Christian Mission.

Join us as we strive to Know Christ and Make Him Known around the world!  

If you would like to apply to become one of our missions please fill out our online Missions Support Application.
If you are a current mission wanting to re-apply please complete our Mission Support Re-Application.

Active Missionaries

John Howard 
Pioneer Bible Translators, Africa

Mark & Joy Hoff
Bajio Christian Mission, Honduras

Judah Tangshing, Myanmar

Polish Christian Ministries

Michael Householder
Global Church Growth Discipling

Luke 101

Rapha International

Pakistan Christian Evangelical Services
Saleem Massey
International Disaster Emergency Services, Inc.

Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 

Alexander Christian Foundation

UF Christian Campus House

Lake Aurora Christian Camp

Medical Missions of India

Gray's House of Hope

Christian & Elisabeth Arnold
New International

Caleb & Elena Elkins
New International

Advance Center for Ministry Training
Kissimmee, FL

Join the mission

If you are interested in becoming one of the missions or missionaries we support please complete our Mission Support Application.