The Senior Adult Ministry of Kissimmee Christian Church is called Young At Heart. The term is used interchangeably with Senior Adults to describe our ever expanding 55+ fellowship. Under the Young At Heart banner, we enjoy regular activities, weekly Bible studies, and other fellowship gatherings.
Consistent with our objectives, however, we do not intend to develop an all-inclusive senior adult program isolated from other Kissimmee Christian ministries. Young At Heart members are encouraged to be involved in all mainstream activities of the church family. Opportunities for Christian service abound. Bible Fellowship class are especially important for everyone as well as Wednesday night Bible Studies, Women's Christian Fellowship, Weekday Volunteering, Children's Ministry and many other opportunities.
Young at Heart Dinner/Luncheon Programs are held in the church fellowship hall (to your right as you enter the main doors). Some are luncheons and some are evening meals. Sign up sheets will be on the Connect Counter approximately 2 weeks prior to each of these programs. Please sign up to make a reservation.
Young at Heart Day Trips are scheduled on an occasional basis. There are many interesting sights to be seen and experiences to enjoy here in Central Florida. Let's enjoy these things together! Detailed information for each of these outings will be made available through flyers and the church bulletin. Times and costs (if any) will be included in this information in advance of each trip.
Young at Heart Extended Trips are a special feature to the senior adult ministry. Our first group traveled to Atlanta to see the Atlanta Passion Play and Stone Mountain. There is no regular time for these trips to occur, but information will be given well in advance so that you may make plans. These trips are a wonderful way to get to know each other better and enjoy the beauty of our country!
Young at Heart Bible Study meets regularly on Wednesday mornings at 10AM in the Chapel. It is so important for senior adults as well as every age group to join together in the study of God's word.
Bible Fellowship classes are available for the senior adult at Kissimmee Christian Church. The classes meet on Sundays at 8:15AM & 9:30AM.
For more information about the Young At Heart Ministry contact the church office at 407-847-2543.
*You are welcome to carpool for events
*Event details (time/cost/travel) will be in the Week-At-A-Glance and on the sign-up sheet in the lobby.
Consistent with our objectives, however, we do not intend to develop an all-inclusive senior adult program isolated from other Kissimmee Christian ministries. Young At Heart members are encouraged to be involved in all mainstream activities of the church family. Opportunities for Christian service abound. Bible Fellowship class are especially important for everyone as well as Wednesday night Bible Studies, Women's Christian Fellowship, Weekday Volunteering, Children's Ministry and many other opportunities.
Young at Heart Dinner/Luncheon Programs are held in the church fellowship hall (to your right as you enter the main doors). Some are luncheons and some are evening meals. Sign up sheets will be on the Connect Counter approximately 2 weeks prior to each of these programs. Please sign up to make a reservation.
Young at Heart Day Trips are scheduled on an occasional basis. There are many interesting sights to be seen and experiences to enjoy here in Central Florida. Let's enjoy these things together! Detailed information for each of these outings will be made available through flyers and the church bulletin. Times and costs (if any) will be included in this information in advance of each trip.
Young at Heart Extended Trips are a special feature to the senior adult ministry. Our first group traveled to Atlanta to see the Atlanta Passion Play and Stone Mountain. There is no regular time for these trips to occur, but information will be given well in advance so that you may make plans. These trips are a wonderful way to get to know each other better and enjoy the beauty of our country!
Young at Heart Bible Study meets regularly on Wednesday mornings at 10AM in the Chapel. It is so important for senior adults as well as every age group to join together in the study of God's word.
Bible Fellowship classes are available for the senior adult at Kissimmee Christian Church. The classes meet on Sundays at 8:15AM & 9:30AM.
For more information about the Young At Heart Ministry contact the church office at 407-847-2543.
*You are welcome to carpool for events
*Event details (time/cost/travel) will be in the Week-At-A-Glance and on the sign-up sheet in the lobby.